What is Home Staging ?

Literally means ” STAGING “

It is a technique that uses decorative elements, own a home, to give it the homey look that houses sometimes lose when we leave them with used furniture or even leave the property empty.

And that's how a breakfast would be on this beautiful terrace , every morning upon waking …

To the people , It is often difficult for us to visualize what a space would be like in which we would live every day. Well the home staging helps us feel more comfortable in these new spaces so unknown to future home buyers.

For us it is not a matter of hiding the weak points of the home, but of trying to strengthen the strongest of the home. Either applying decorative elements such as plants, candles, tableware, furniture or color-coordinated towels that give a more cozy touch.

En Klonowski, we are constantly changing and updating.

We adapt all the techniques that help our clients so much to sell their homes , how to provide potential buyers with the vision of how their future home can be and how comfortable they can live in it.


Our client in question trusted our services to make a change. His home was a charming attic with two terraces, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

This precious house did not let the naked eye see all the potential that there. Lifeless spaces and corners .
So together with the owner we study your case, we proposed a cleaning , a coat of paint and with the investment and effort of the team , the result was SPECTACULAR.

The feeling when entering the house was totally different.
Light, harmony, simplicity, neutrality and home.

These are some of the qualities we were looking for so that when potential buyers entered the property they would feel at home .

The smell of the candles, the ethereal curtains that moved with the cross ventilation so important in the house, life-giving towels and plants. And above all, see the spatial possibility that the property had with the furniture .


Contact us and tell us what you have in mind . Check the conditions of this service.
We are happy to help you with your home.

Equipo Klonowski